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Company - 

The two creators of The Sustainable Swimmer whom are also the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer, Clara Davito and Morgan Lewis are young entrepreneurs, focused promoting and delivering sustainable fashion to consumers. Their passion for eco-living and environmental preservation as well as their love of fashion is what sparked this idea to create The Sustainable Swimmer. 

 The Sustainable Swimmer’s intimate team of fifteen dedicated and passionate employees work together cohesively, retaining a strong work ethic to achieve high sales and deliver exceptional customer service. The company has a turnover rate of $0.5 million and hopes to expand within the next five years into the New Zealand and North American market, which will in turn increase the number of internal stakeholders. 

The company is forever growing in sales as the demand for fashionable, reusable tote bags increases. Each month on average 82 tote bags are sold, and with our design artist team creating more beautiful tote designs and our social media pages increasing brand awareness we hope to increase that average to 100. 

Collaborations and Co-Branding – 

The Sustainable Swimmer will be doing collaborations with social media influencers such as Laura Wells and Kate Nelson. Both these women are extremely environmentally conscious and actively involve themselves in initiatives that aim to reduce societies impact on the planet. Laura Wells is an Australian model, climate activist and marine biologist. Kate Nelson is another Australian woman, who lives a beach lifestyle in Byron Bay. She is passionate about eliminating the plastic bag problem to look after our ocean and its creatures. 

Collaborations will involve collaborating with them to create two different bag designs that represent them and their journey of sustainable living in exchange for their promotional assistance on Instagram. Each bag sold, either from Laura’s or Kate’s collaboration, $5 of the proceeds will go to their charity of choice. 

The Sustainable Swimmer hopes to initiate a co-branding relationship with Spell and The Gypsy, to make a small range of Spell and The Gyspy, bohemian inspired beach bags to be sold. 

Community and Charity Contribution - 

Each year The Sustainable Swimmer donates $10,000 to the Australian National Universities Sustainability Research Group who aim to build solutions to these environmental challenges that confront contemporary society. 

Investor Relations: About
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